Canary is an integrated semester course for classes 1 to 5 which provides a comprehensive learning experience to young learners in their formative years. The series seamlessly combines all the core subjects required at the Foundational and Preparatory stages, including English, Mathematics, Environmental Studies/Science, Social Studies and General Knowledge, through 10 semester books. These books provide ample opportunities to students to learn, explore and practise new concepts across different areas of learning
through an interdisciplinary and cross-curricular approach.
First Edition
Latest Edition
- Class Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5
- Stage Foundational, Preparatory
- Develop effective communication skills for day-to-day interactions
- Develop mathematical understanding to recognize the world through quantities, shapes and measures
- Develop a positive regard for the natural environment
- Develop habits to keep healthy and safe, fit and flexible body
- Develop emotional intelligence to manage emotions, and respond positively to social normss
- Coursebooks
- Workbooks
- Teacher’s Resource Books
- Collins DigiSuite for Teachers and Students
- Multimedia eBooks offer interactive learning with videos, animations, presentations, and audio for better concept comprehension and retention.
- The audio feature offers a flexible learning experience by allowing students to listen to chapters. It also helps auditory learners and those with reading difficulties comprehend course material easily.
- Interactive slideshows combine engaging visuals and concise text to help students better grasp concepts.
- Interactivities engage students through quizzes, games, and more. Active participation leads to better retention of the concepts covered.
- Animations simplify complex concepts with clear audio and engaging visuals, making it easy for students to understand.
- Lesson plans offer comprehensive guidance for teachers, including pre-, post-, and while-reading activities, teaching strategies, and learning objectives.
- Additional worksheets are provided for practice and reinforcements.
- The question paper generator enables educators to create, organize and assess students’ understanding with a question bank based on Bloom’s taxonomy.
Books of the Series
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