Collins UK

the Awards

The Collins Excellence in Education Teacher Awards aim to recognize and honour outstanding teachers
who have exemplified commitment, passion, and dedication in nurturing and educating learners. These
awards will highlight the invaluable role teachers play in education and inspire others to pursue teaching
careers. The awards will celebrate the exceptional achievement of teachers who have demonstrated
innovative teaching practices, remarkable leadership, and made significant contribution to the field of
education in the year April 2023 to March 2024. By celebrating excellence in education, Collins aims to
encourage teachers to continue delivering high-quality education and driving positive change in their

Eligiblity Criteria

  • Only schools based in India will be considered for selection.
  • Only full-time teachers and principals are eligible.
  • Teachers and school principals employed in recognized primary/middle/high/higher secondary schools are eligible.
  • Schools administered by State Governments/Union Territory Administrations, local bodies, or aided by State Governments/UT Administrations, as well as private schools affiliated with State/UT Boards/ International Boards.
  • Educational administrators, education inspectors, and personnel from training institutes are not eligible for these awards.

Application Process


  • Teachers will be nominated for the awards by school administrators. Nominations will be assessed based on specific criteria, such as teaching excellence, impact on student learning, innovative practices, leadership qualities, community engagement, and continuous professional development. Each school is allowed to nominate a single teacher in each category.

  • Each applicant must submit a PowerPoint presentation along with the Entry Form. The presentation should encompass pertinent supporting materials, including documents, tools, activity reports, field visit records, photographs, audiovisual content, etc.

  • Every applicant is required to provide an undertaking affirming the accuracy of all information and data submitted to the best of their knowledge. In the event that any information is later found to be untrue, the applicant acknowledges liability for potential disciplinary action.

Award Categories

  • Best Teacher of the Year: Recognizing the overall excellence and impact of a teacher in their profession.
  • Innovator in Education: Acknowledging teachers who have introduced and successfully implemented innovative teaching methods.
  • Community Engagement: Honouring teachers who have made a significant impact on the community through their educational initiatives.
  • Best Use of Technology in Education: Recognizing educators who have effectively integrated technology into their teaching practices.
  • Lifetime Achievement: Identifying experienced teachers who have made substantial and sustained contributions to the field of education throughout their careers.
  • STEM Education: Honouring teachers who have done exemplary work to promote STEM education.
  • Arts Education: Honouring teachers who have done exemplary work to promote Arts education.
  • Special Educator: Recognizing educators who have championed the cause of working with students with special needs.

Jury Members

Amanda Lee


Frequently Asked Questions

To apply for the awards, eligible teachers must be nominated by school administrators (principals/owners/school in-charge/headmistress). Nomination form is available online on the official website of the Collins India. Teachers cannot directly apply for the awards themselves; they must be nominated by their respective schools.

No, there is no nomination fee required for the Collins Excellence in Education Teacher Awards. The nomination process is free of charge to ensure accessibility for all eligible teachers and schools.

The nomination process typically involves the following steps:

  • School administrators can nominate eligible teachers for the awards.
  • Nominations are assessed based on specific criteria such as teaching excellence, innovation, community engagement, and professional development in the year starting from April 2023 to March 2024.
  • Each nominee must submit an online portfolio along with the Entry Form, including relevant supporting materials.
  • Nominees are required to provide an undertaking affirming the accuracy of all information submitted.
  • The jury evaluates the nominations and selects the winners for each award category.

Once the nomination form has been submitted, it may not be possible to edit the information provided. It’s important to review all details carefully before submission to ensure accuracy and completeness.

No, teachers cannot apply independently for the Collins Excellence in Education Teacher Awards. They must be nominated by their school administrators to be considered for the awards. Nominations are typically submitted on behalf of the teacher by the school.

The winners for each award category are selected through a rigorous evaluation process by a panel of esteemed jury members. They assess nominations based on specific criteria such as teaching excellence, innovation, community impact, and professional development.

Yes, each school is allowed to nominate a single teacher in each award category. This ensures a fair and balanced representation of educators from different institutions.

Yes, a detailed presentation template for preparing the presentation is provided along with the nomination form. The presentation should include relevant supporting materials such as documents, reports, photographs to showcase the nominee’s achievements and contributions.

There are no specific restrictions on the number of years of teaching experience required, except for the Lifetime Achievement Award, where a minimum of 30 years of teaching experience is necessary. The focus is on recognizing educators who have demonstrated excellence and made significant contributions to education, regardless of their years of experience.

Retired teachers who meet the eligibility criteria are evaluated based on their contributions during the academic year starting from April 2023 to March 2024. Their impact on students, innovative practices, and professional development during this period will be taken into consideration during the evaluation process.

Yes, schools and teachers from all geographical areas, including remote or rural areas, are encouraged to participate in the awards. The aim is to recognize excellence in education across diverse settings and communities.

Yes, specific deadlines and timelines for submitting nominations and portfolios are communicated during the nomination period. It’s important for applicants to adhere to these deadlines to ensure their nominations are considered.

The selection process is conducted with transparency and fairness. The evaluation criteria are made public to ensure transparency and provide clarity to nominees and stakeholders regarding the basis of selection.

Eligiblity Criteria

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