Knowledge Lighthouse Updated Edition
Knowledge Lighthouse (Updated Edition) is a series of General Knowledge books for grades 1 to 8. Based on the key principles of NCF 2023—emphasis on conceptual understanding and acquiring knowledge in breadth and depth, the series includes a spectrum of topics and focuses on skills to address the learning needs of 21st century learners. Tasks and activities in the series are thematic and they help students acquire knowledge, so that they may develop and/or pursue a variety of interests and disciplines.
First Edition
Latest Edition
- Class Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Class 7, Class 8
- Stage Foundational, Preparatory, Middle
- Topics from a wide variety of themes
- Tagged skill pages
- All-new India chapters
- User-friendly, fun layout
- Focus on global issues and challenges in a post-Covid world
- Graded content and activities
- Online Current Affairs updates
- Coursebooks 1 to 8
- Collins Digisuite 1 to 8
- Current Affairs updates and quizzes available online at https://collins.in/books_series/knowledge-lighthouse-updated-edition/
- Multimedia eBook: Consists of animations, audio, video, slide shows, and interactive exercises
- Print-ready Worksheets: Additional worksheets for practice and reinforcements, present in the digital support
- Interactive Games: Interactivies to reinforce concepts in a fun and engaging manner
Kunal Savarkar is a well-known quizmaster in the country, he has created and conducted
over a thousand quizzes all over the country, including the CBSE Heritage India Quiz
and the INTACH Heritage India Quiz. Known as the Architect of Questions, Kunal is an
encyclopaedia on history, cricket and other good stuff.
Seema Chari is a quizmaster, author, storyteller, anchor and knowledge media professional.
She is a Director in Xpress Minds Edutainment Pvt. Ltd
Books of the Series
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