Revised Windmills Plus
Revised Windmills Plus is a comprehensive semester course tailored for students in Classes 1 to 5, aligning with the principles outlined in the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2023. The series seamlessly integrates all the core subjects essential at the foundational and preparatory stages, including English, Mathematics, Environmental Studies/Science, Social Studies and General Knowledge through 10 Coursebooks and 5 Workbooks, offering ample opportunities for students to effortlessly grasp and apply new concepts across various domains of learning, employing an interdisciplinary and cross-curricular methodology.
First Edition
Latest Edition
- Class Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5
- Stage Foundational, Preparatory
- Curricular Goals: Statements that give directions to curriculum development and implementation
- Competencies: Learning achievements that are observable and can be assessed systematically
- Let’s Get Started: Picture-based fun activities and questions to initiate the learners into the lesson
- Fact File: Interesting titbits of information
- Dictionary: Learning and usage of new words, phrases and literary devices to enrich language
- Practise: In-text questions for quick review
- Earth Speaks: Facts or tasks to sensitize learners towards conservation of the environment
- Cross-curricular Link: Interesting information to integrate knowledge across subjects
- Mental Maths: Questions for practising calculation and deductive reasoning skills
- Activity: Fun activity/experiment/project ideas to develop skills of investigation, observation and deduction
- Think and Answer: Questions to develop critical thinking and higher order thinking skills
- Exercise: Comprehensive review questions in every chapter
- Skills and Values Corner: Theme and value-based questions to develop 21st century skills and awareness on SDGs
- Review Corner: Comprehensive review questions for each subject
- Cross-curricular Project: Hands-on project and creative activities to promote cross-curricular learning and real-life applications
- Courebook 1-5
- Workbook 1-5
- Teacher’s Manual 1-5
- Collins DigiSuite 1-5
- Multimedia eBook: Consists of animations, audio, video, slide shows, and interactive exercises
- Print-ready Worksheets: Additional worksheets for practice and reinforcements, present in the digital support
- Digital Flashcards: Flashcards with embedded sounds and animations for letter formation and letter-sound association
- Animations and Songs: Animated stories and rhymes set to tune
- Interactive Games: Interactivies to reinforce concepts in a fun and engaging manner
Excelsoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd is an educational technology
company. It provides the best eLearning solutions using state of the art technologies that help customers deliver better and faster cost-effective eLearning solutions. Having a strong grounding in pedagogy as well as in-depth expertise in technology, their
continuous innovation and research focuses on delivering improved ways of learning to suit the contemporary environment.
Excelsoft’s solutions for the K-12 education sector comprises of technology platforms and content solutions built on contemporary teaching-learning methods and best practices that enable customers to deliver state-of-the-art products to schools and learners.
Vijaya Subramaniam, former Vice Principal at Sardar Patel
Vidyalaya, New Delhi
Renu Viswanath, former Headmistress at Mother’s International
School, New Delhi
Sonia Duggal, teacher trainer and ELT materials writer
Kalpakam Chavali, senior teacher at Meridian School,
Anuradha Telang, Headmistress and HOD of English at Delhi
Public School, Bhopal
Sujata Aslam, former HOD of English and Foreign languages at
The Scindia School, Gwalior
KG Jeyalakshmi, teacher at Vidyamandir Senior Secondary
School, Chennai
Jyothsna Natraj, teacher at Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary
School, Chennai
Padmini Sriraman, former Principal of The Hindu Senior Secondary
School in Chennai and a recipient of the CBSE National Award
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