Vision Revised Edition
Vision—Values for life is an engaging value education series, for classes 1-8, meant to enable learners lead a balanced, happy and successful life. The National Curriculum Framework states that education must reflect the values, structure, and beliefs to equip young learners with a holistic personality.
First Edition
- Class Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Class 7, Class 8
- Stage Foundational, Preparatory, Middle
- Discuss a pictorial warm-up initiates the learners into the theme of the chapter
- Read Along includes interesting stories, anecdotes and poems
- Think and Say poses problem-solving situations to encourage lateral thinking
- Figure out has simple assessments aimed at testing the understanding of the value
- Relate sensitizes learners to real-life situations for the application of the value
- Workout offers interesting worksheets to reinforce the value learnt
- Create provides hands-on experience to strengthen the concept of the value in a fun way
- Remember advocates brief pointers for inclusion in day-to-day life
- Enjoy suggests media that communicates the value discussed
- Be Smart gives multiple intelligence tasks for holistic development of the learners
- Teaching Tips at the end of the chapter facilitate effective teaching
- Coursebook 1-8
Books of the Series
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