Windmills is an integrated term course for classes 1 to 5 which provides a comprehensive learning experience for the young learners in their formative years. The series seamlessly combines all the disciplines required at the primary level– English, Mathematics, Science, EVS/Social Studies and General Knowledge through 15 term books.
First Edition
- Class Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5
- Stage Foundational, Preparatory
- English
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Listening and Speaking Mathematics
- Exercises and Revision Exercises
- Mental Maths
- Maths Lab Activity Science
- Science in Context
- Watch out!
- Life Skills
- Projects Social Studies
- Do It Yourself
- Think Zone
- Life Skills
- Activity
- Eco Zone General Knowledge
- Multiple Intelligence
- Activity
- India-specific Content
- Courebook 1-5
- Teacher’s Manual 1-5
- Collins DigiSuite 1-5
- Multimedia eBook: Consists of animations, audio, video, slide shows, and interactive exercises
- Print-ready Worksheets: Additional worksheets for practice and reinforcements, present in the digital support
- Digital Flashcards: Flashcards with embedded sounds and animations for letter formation and letter-sound association
- Animations and Songs: Animated stories and rhymes set to tune
- Interactive Games: Interactivies to reinforce concepts in a fun and engaging manner
Books of the Series
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