Enhanced Engaging English
Enhanced Engaging English is a language learning course, which aims to impart communicative competence through an appreciation of literature. The course adheres to the National Curriculum Framework, 2023 through its focus on 21st century skills, cross-curricular learning, ‘Happiness’ content and art-integrated learning. In the primary levels, the activities integrate the essence of NIPUN.
First Edition
Latest Edition
- Class Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 6, Class 7, Class 8
- Stage Foundational, Preparatory, Middle
- Let’s Get Started includes warm-up tasks with a focus on Sustainable Development Goals
- Comprehension checks factual, inferential, analytical, interpretative and evaluative skills
- Way with Words and Grammar in Use enrich vocabulary while teaching language structures
- Study Skills teaches dictionary usage, phonics and spelling
- Listening and Speaking develops oral and aural skills
- Pen it Down trains learners to express themselves creatively, logically and coherently
- Literary terms, Did You Know?, Wordwise and Read More provide additional information
- Be Creative!/Research and Write revisit the themes covered in each unit
- Assessments in Workbooks 3 to 8 include tasks aligned to the principle of SAFAL
- Coursebooks
- Workbooks
- Teacher’s Resource Books
- DigiSuite
- Multimedia eBooks offer interactive learning with videos, animations, presentations, and audio for better concept comprehension and retention.
- The audio feature offers a flexible learning experience by allowing students to listen to chapters. It also helps auditory learners and those with reading difficulties comprehend course material easily.
- Interactive slideshows combine engaging visuals and concise text to help students better grasp concepts.
- Interactivities engage students through quizzes, games, and more. Active participation leads to better retention of the concepts covered.
- Animations simplify complex concepts with clear audio and engaging visuals, making it easy for students to understand.
- Lesson plans offer comprehensive guidance for teachers, including pre-, post-, and while-reading activities, teaching strategies, and learning objectives.
- Additional worksheets are provided for practice and reinforcements.
- The question paper generator enables educators to create, organize and assess students’ understanding with a question bank based on Bloom’s taxonomy.
Preeti Roychoudhury, former teacher at Loreto
House, Kolkata
Sadeqa Rahman Siddiqui, English teacher at La
Martiniere for Boys, Kolkata
Ruby Bose, English teacher at The Heritage School,
Somali Mitra, English teacher at Modern High
School, Kolkata
Anju Gupta, ELT author and editor
Books of the Series
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